Stop Carjacking & Vehicle Thefts

Carjacking is a prevalent problem across the world. Insurance providers pay millions of dollars to clients who have lost cars through auto theft and carjacking. Even worse, many people lose their lives as a result of these crimes—not the nicest fact to know.

A conclusive study indicates that carjacking is common as it can be done by anybody ranging from minors to seniors. But thanks to inventor Marty Cohen of San Antonio, Texas, we now have a next-gen new auto security to deter the aforementioned crimes.

What Triggered the Idea?

The new auto security system is about to take the auto market by storm. But what led to the birth of the idea? Well, Marty Cohen of San Antonio, TX, realized that carjacking was a prevalent problem in the US and across the globe.

It was a go-to crime as it seemed easy for many people including juveniles. Right from the start, Cohen knew their ought to be an easy way to keep these offenders at bay. And that’s when he started working on an easy auto security system that could deter carjackers. He knew the best move to combat the problem was to deter any attempt in the first place.

Architecture of the Device

The system involves devices that are mounted on all the inner sides of outer auto handles. The auto security is powered by the car battery and when triggered by someone trying to improperly access the car it produces an electric shock preventing further attempts.

These electrical shocks are non-lethal but they are designed to produce an uncomfortable effect to ward off any intruder. The system is also attached to a high-pitched alarm that is tailored to attract attention after the system has been triggered. The alarm can also be activated by pressing a large colored button mounted on the dashboard or the inner front door panel next to the handle.

What is the Target Market of the Invention?

Auto insurances disburse millions of dollars to clients as a result of carjacking. Now with the invention, the companies will benefit a great deal as the system will ward off a significant number of carjackers.

More importantly, this new system will be an added feature that auto manufacturers can use to increase their sales. Through a series of updates, upgrades, and improvements, the new invention is ready to hit the market.